Ken Collins Marketing
and the
Farmington Chamber of Commerce
present the
Four Corners Talent Show
Scroll down for the contest videos, submission form, voting, rules, and prizes.
Top 3 Winners
1 – Takoda Winer
2 – Trinity Winer & Madison Loomis
3 – Jamie Goodwin
Middle 3 Winners
4 – Travis Miller
5 – Kevin Boekhoff
6 – Gabriel Jake
Bottom 3 Winners
7 – Luke Renner
8 – Brit Ward & Theater Ensemble Arts
9 – Carl Freuden
Sure, we have categories for music and dance, but your talent show submission can be ANY talent - that's what the Other Talents category is for - as long as it's family friendly. If your talent is poetry - let's hear it. If your talent is making a strange face - let's see it. All video submissions will be reviewed prior to being accepted and appearing on the site. We've created a completely separate category for businesses who want to participate. If you still have a staff available, get them together and show us what you can do. If your staff is on lockdown, get the most talented person in your crew to make your submission. Prizes subject to change as we continue to collect donations for the the prize pool. All categories have been combined into ONE category - everybody is competing with all other submissions! 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place 4th Place 5th Place 6th Place 7th Place 8th Place 9th Place With no entries in the business category, we've cancelled the Business Category Prize Pool. We offer our sincere appreciation to all of our most generous donors for their enthusiasm in providing our prize pool! Please take some time to show them your appreciation.Rules & Prizes
Everybody Who Enters Will Receive the Following
The Prize Pool has been rearranged due to the number of entries we have.Non-Business Category Prizes
Business Category Prizes
Total Prize Pool Donations
The Four Corners area is known for lots of things, but our BEST asset has always been our PEOPLE. This Online Talent Show will showcase some of YOU – the people of the Four Corners – and the TALENT contained within you. We may be in lockdown, but we can’t be kept down. Rise Up – Turn On Your Camera – and SHOW US YOUR TALENT!
This online talent show will be conducted 100% online. Contestants will submit their entry videos online, those videos will be shown in a live talent show online, viewers will vote for the winners online, and the awards show will take place online. YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE! This is where you submit your videos, watch the show, vote for your favorites, and watch the awards show wrap-up.
The Farmington Recreation Center and Sycamore Park Community Center are ALSO hosting a SEPARATE talent show. After you submit your entry here, be sure to submit your entry to their contest as well – you could win TWICE! See details on the City of Farmington website here.