by Trinity Winer and Madison Loomis | May 8, 2020
Best friends who share a 12 year love of dance, whose second family is Mann Dance Academy!!! (We don't own the rights to this music)
by Takoda Winer | May 8, 2020
I live to entertain and look up to #poppinjohn!!! #manndanceacademy (I don't own the rights to this music)
by George Melissa Sharpe | May 8, 2020
Uh… it's quatantine… what else is there to do?
by Brit Ward | May 8, 2020
In which a lost soul wonders at the curiosity of living, in a time where we all must shelter.
by Gabriel Jake | May 7, 2020
His talent is being a talk show host and reading comments and tweets from people willing to share a comment.